Saturday, May 14, 2011

An Ideal Of Normalcy

This idea of normalcy transcends upon itself in a very inadequate manner. When you look in the mirror, do you see a face that could shade the possibility of anything resembling near the façade of normalcy? I know that I do not see anything of the sort. Allow me to ask, yet again, another question of you; when you sleep at night, when you dream your dreams, do you feel normal casting its light upon your mind?

Now that I have your attention, let me grapple a few more of your brain cells. Is this thing that we call normalcy just another one of our fairy tales that we make up for our children before we send them to those dreams of which I was so meekly referring to earlier? If it is not in our minds at the very beginning of our lives, then when exactly has it taken over our thoughts? When you think of normal, what do you see in your little looking glass?

When you close your eyes for those few brief seconds while you contemplate using the general idea of what normal has become for the population of Earth, do you see any possible outcome that would vaguely lead to any semblance of anyone meeting the ideals of normalcy? Why are we becoming shaded over by a somewhat grander ideal of a worldwide askew view of anyone or anything becoming normal?

And for that matter, why are we even thinking that anyone would care otherwise? Everyone in this world seems to just float along on pixie-dust and various fables, tales, and sagas we’ve made up to create such an ideal of making things normal. Now let’s see if you can look in the mirror the same way again.

Well, now that I’ve come all this way, shall we venture into the great unknown? Or should we continue to fool ourselves that somewhere out there is a true feeling of normalcy? With that in mind, maybe we can sleep a bit more content at night. Maybe, just maybe, you can look in that fragment of glass upon metal and see that you, your neighbor and that little old lady four blocks down the road, all have the same views on the ideal of normalcy.

Everything within our mind tells us to dream. And, that dream is a false existence of anything close to anyone becoming, nearing, or resembling normalcy. Tell this story to your children before they go to bed. Maybe then humanity, or what we seem to call it these days, will realize that we are our own enemy in the search for this menacing shadowed façade of becoming or nearing the ideal of being normal in any point of our lives.

In conclusion to what I’ve said in the beginning, This idea of normalcy transcends upon itself in a very inadequate manner. This being said as the lasting moment of this writ of what most would call, the estranged thoughts of someone with too much time on their hands, I leave you to look into your mirrors, children’s faces, and the requiem within your dreamscapes of a good night’s slumber.

Thank you for living,

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